I think that knowing the name of something - or someone - is important. I don't feel that I can really begin to know someone until I can call them by name. It's difficult to speak affectionately of a particular place without knowing its name. (On a side note, that is why I wish more people in this country named their houses, as is traditional in the UK.) Speaking God's name is powerful. Naming is vital to knowing and loving.
I'm going to let you experience the delight of being able to name flowers by sharing with you the names of some of the common flower names. The photos were all taken within a few minutes walking distance of my house.
Lady's Thumb
Polygonum persicaria
Bird's-foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
Crown Vetch
coronilla varia
Daisy Fleabane
Erigeron annuus
Spotted Touch-me-not
Impatiens capensis
Chicorium intybus
Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
Wild Carrot
Daucus carota
known in Canada, at least, as Queen Ann's Lace
Carolina Larkspur
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