Sunday, May 30, 2010

death for freedom

Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the US. I did some wiki research and noted a couple interesting things about the day:
  1. The first people to celebrate the day were "formerly enslaved" people immediately following the Civil War, on May 1, 1865. The date was later changed to May 30.
  2. In 1971, the holiday was moved to the last Monday in May, a change that is still resisted by many veterans, who argue that "this has contributed a lot to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day"
Remembering is something many people these days would rather not spend time doing. I myself confess to this tendency. Yet it is an important part of our culture and identity, and should shape who we are today. It seems we should strive to remember well.

Today is Sunday. There are many similarities between this day and Memorial Day. This day is for remembering and celebrating Christ's death which brought life. We are the formerly enslaved people. This day is also one that people often celebrate nonchalantly. How are you actively remembering Christ's work today?

But Sunday is different from Memorial Day. Sunday ultimately celebrates life and defeat of death, for Christ did not stay dead! As the bible joyfully cries:
"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"
Will you joyfully remember with me today?

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